Current Speaking Engagements
California Food Show
in Los Angeles
Purchasing and the impact on your People and Processes
Aug 27th at 2pm — Room TBD
Bryan at Ca Food Show
Most recent Speaking Engagement
National Restaurant Association
Food Show
Blending Technology With Your People and Processes
Bar and Restaurant Expo
#bre2024 in Las Vegas
Transforming your People from Liabilities to Assets
Will Reduce Expenses and Grow Revenue!
March 19th Tuesday morning at 10am — Room TBD
Florida Restaurant & Lodging Show
Blending Technology with your People and Processes
November 2023 Orlando Fl
Bar and Restaurant Expo
#BRE2023 March 2023 Las Vegas
National Conference / Expo Sessions
Solo or on a Panel

Want me to speak at your event?
If you have an event that you feel I would be a welcomed addition, please send me a message and let’s talk about what you are looking for and how I might be able to fit in. I have several topics that I have already created, but have a wealth of experience and might be able to create a new session just for your audience. I limit myself to the Hospitality Industry.